yes this is my first time hearing about anime. I find it kind of interesting, but its not something that i would get into because i dont enjoy reading.
Yes this is the first time i have heard about anime. I dont watch to much tv so thats probably why. But cartoons dont interest me to much. Its just to confusing and boring for me cuz i dont do that much reading.
Yea, I'm actually quite a big fan of anime, I reccomend to you, Soul Eater, Bleach, S-Cry-Ed, and some of Tengen-Toren-Guren-Lagen (spell-check), and I know quite abit about manga's and other things of that sort.
Yes this is the first time i have heard about anime. I dont watch to much tv so thats probably why. But cartoons dont interest me to much. Its just to confusing and boring for me cuz i dont do that much reading.
no I have wathced anime before but am not a big fan of anime I have wathced full metal alchemst and trinity blood and tri-gun which I believe was my favorite anime of all time that i have seen and I have seen many other random anime but never really got into them
No, this is not the first time I have heard about anime. I have seen it on television before and seen some movies that are considered anime like samurai Jake.
Yes this is the first time I have ever heard of such a thing. I do not completely understand what the point of it is, but I am now interested and would like to be taught more.
This is my first time hearing about anime. I have no idea what it is or means but it could be interesting but it isn't something a would really get into just because I hate reading.
yes it is the frist time I have hard of anime. what is it about? Im looking for to learning about in your demostration. It sounds intersting! I can't wait to try to read one of the books.
Yes, I have heard about anime I read all sorts of anime book I read bleach, souleater, otaku manga. Have you read yen+ yet if not you need to it is almost as interesting then otaku.
No i like anime i watch code geoss, calse closed, full metal alchemist, bleach, tri gun, eva evangilon genesis, soul eaters, s cry ed, and i to know alot about mangas and animes.
I'm all for mind activation, whatever kind it is. I'd heard of anime before, but this the first time I've really engaged with the subject. I like the soundtrack Kelsey made (for five extra credit points, by the way--the rest of you could do the same) and begun to immerse myself into the imaginative, fascinating world of anime, where anything is possible, because the human mind can do/produce anything, indeed!
No, this is not the first time talking about anime. My cousin likes to view the shows all the time, and I don't get it at all.
yes this is my first time hearing about anime. I find it kind of interesting, but its not something that i would get into because i dont enjoy reading.
Yes this is the first time i have heard about anime. I dont watch to much tv so thats probably why. But cartoons dont interest me to much. Its just to confusing and boring for me cuz i dont do that much reading.
Yea, I'm actually quite a big fan of anime, I reccomend to you, Soul Eater, Bleach, S-Cry-Ed, and some of Tengen-Toren-Guren-Lagen (spell-check), and I know quite abit about manga's and other things of that sort.
Yes this is the first time i have heard about anime. I dont watch to much tv so thats probably why. But cartoons dont interest me to much. Its just to confusing and boring for me cuz i dont do that much reading.
no I have wathced anime before but am not a big fan of anime I have wathced full metal alchemst and trinity blood and tri-gun which I believe was my favorite anime of all time that i have seen and I have seen many other random anime but never really got into them
No, this is not the first time I have heard about anime. I have seen it on television before and seen some movies that are considered anime like samurai Jake.
No it is not my first time hearing about anime because i always watch alot of adult swim at nite and thats where i first heard about anime.
Yes this is the first time I have ever heard of such a thing. I do not completely understand what the point of it is, but I am now interested and would like to be taught more.
This is my first time hearing about anime. I have no idea what it is or means but it could be interesting but it isn't something a would really get into just because I hate reading.
Yes, Kelsey this is my first time hearing anything about animae. I think this animae thing is interesting of what I have heard so far from you.
yes it is the frist time I have hard of anime. what is it about? Im looking for to learning about in your demostration. It sounds intersting! I can't wait to try to read one of the books.
Yes, I have heard about anime I read all sorts of anime book I read bleach, souleater, otaku manga. Have you read yen+ yet if not you need to it is almost as interesting then otaku.
No i like anime i watch code geoss, calse closed, full metal alchemist, bleach, tri gun, eva evangilon genesis, soul eaters, s cry ed, and i to know alot about mangas and animes.
I'm all for mind activation, whatever kind it is. I'd heard of anime before, but this the first time I've really engaged with the subject. I like the soundtrack Kelsey made (for five extra credit points, by the way--the rest of you could do the same) and begun to immerse myself into the imaginative, fascinating world of anime, where anything is possible, because the human mind can do/produce anything, indeed!
no ive heard about it before but didnt really know what it was. I dont find it really interesting and it confuses me alot.
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